A tasting plate: superb satire, bodies for buses, and wicked webinars
There’s heaps of good stuff recently, enjoy!
Wicked Webinars!
When we change (a little bit) the money and direction going in at the Very Top Of The Transport System, does anything change on the ground?
Researchers have analysed the effect of the 2018 Government Policy Statement on Transport and … well, we’re agog to hear what impact they find it’s made! Hosted by the Transport Knowledge Hub and delivered by some excellent researchers. This one’s coming up: March 27th.
When your city’s a bit…. well, sh*t, how do you transform it – without letting a bunch of bureaucrats and technical wonks run rampant over everything?
‘Participatory urban design, placemaking, and city making’ webinar hosted by the excellent team behind Waka Kotahi’s tiny but mighty Streets For People programme. This one’s been, so there’s a recording:
Burgled directly from the Greater Auckland team’s excellent weekly roundups:
More bodies for buses!
100 new bus drivers are on their way to Wellington to plug gaps in the capital’s beleaguered public transport service. The new drivers were recruited from overseas, which has recently been made easier. Bus drivers are on the Government’s skill shortage list now.

Superb satire
You’ll probably remember the fuss that was made about a new signalised pedestrian crossing on Cobham Drive, a bit of road in Evan’s Bay on the way to the airport [Talk Wellington covered it here, anticipating (correctly!) that the “see you in court” energy would vanish). If you’re anything like us you’ll enjoy this satirical take on the whole saga.
But surely if hardly any pedestrians use the new crossing, then it won’t disrupt traffic? And if it does disrupt traffic, then surely it must be getting used by a lot of pedestrians?
This fascinating philosophical question, now known as the Cobham Paradox, is exciting mathematicians around the world. Many are expected to fly to Wellington to inspect the crossing when it opens – which is likely to cause even more traffic congestion from the airport.
What other tasty tidbits would you like to tip us off about?
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