Early movement on Let’s Get Wellington Moving?
A new announcement from Let’s Get Wellington Moving – emailed last week to those on its newsletter list. Are there signs it’s starting to Get Wellington Living?

Next phase approved
Wellington City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council, and the NZ Transport Agency have all agreed the Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) vision, considered the government’s indicative package and approved the next phase for Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM).
We’re developing the early delivery programme (works that can be delivered in the short-term) and starting business case work for the larger and more complex components of the programme. We look forward to sharing our work programme with you in the coming months.
New Programme Director
Andrew Body has been appointed to lead the LGWM team through this next phase. Andrew is an experienced leader and consultant with a strong background in infrastructure policy, strategy, business cases, and procurement. He has public and private sector experience in New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, and the Middle East. Originally from the Bay of Plenty, Andrew has called Wellington home since 1996. He has already been out meeting our community and looks forward to working with the people of Wellington as the programme progresses.
Information release
We’ve published a large amount of supporting information on our website, including workshop notes and technical information. The documents include many of the inputs we considered while developing LGWM’s plan and will help inform our work going forward.
Read the LGWM supporting information here
Early delivery
We’re developing an early delivery programme to help change how people move into and around the city. We want to make travelling by bus to the central city a faster and more reliable choice. We also want to create a better environment for people walking and on bikes. The map below summarises the programme.
Later this year, we’ll be asking for your views on how the Golden Mile could be improved for people walking and on buses. We’ll also be asking for feedback on options for a crossing on Cobham Drive, and what you think about safer speeds.

Partner projects
Our partners have other projects underway that will help achieve LGWM’s goal of moving more people with fewer vehicles. Two of these are currently seeking feedback:
- It’s almost a year since major changes were made to Wellington’s bus transport network. Find out more about the bus network review
- Have your say on Wellington City Council’s Smarter ways to manage city parking. Feedback closes on 30 August.
We are working with these, and other projects, to support the city and region’s growth while making it safer and easier for people to get around.”
End of quote.
What do we think, folks?
Do we know if the consultations on Cobham Drive and the Golden Mile are legal requirements?
Meaning would they be done without consultation? WCC’s significance policy covers all its activity and the Golden Mile is its jurisdiction. They consult (for traffic resolutions) on tiny things ATMA so safe to say they will. and Cobham is NZTA; without enpowering legislation surely they’d have to do some sort of consultation? Can anyone more expert fill us in?
Thanks Isabella!