Things to do (quick!), read, talk about: a fresh tasting platter

SO much good stuff popping up! Here’s a random summary of things you might like

ATTEND: The Wellington Forum 4th July

This is Rotary’s annual forum gathering civic-minded brains and hearts from around Te Upoko o te Ika. Always good, but this year with special additions to help carry the goodness beyond the event. Get in there quick!

READ: Auckland

Auckland had a whole day of free public transport to celebrate 100 million trips. Some of the many journeys had to celebrate (check out #AKLFreePT):

READ: Mass transit basics: Bus Rapid Transit and crappy fakes

We hear various approving noises about BRT or bus rapid transit. Some noises from people with lots of information but often odd motives (Treasury), others with less information and silly motives (politicians), some from people making careful nuanced statements. And of course tons of reckons!

So you can at least be discerning: what’s actually BRT vs crappy watered-down versions?

Washington – suffered bad “BRT creep”

Wellington – 2013 Public Transport Spine Study actually ended up recommending crappy non-BRT in BRT disguise (LGWM had to redo the work)

TL;DR: true BRT must be a significant (ie really big) improvement in speed, reliability and overall service. Anything less is not BRT and we shouldn’t buy it.


A real sense of progress, and all round relief, with the (final?) instalment in the Island Bay cycleway saga following the judicial review being chucked out of court.

Have you got other nice tidbits we can share? Pop some in the comments!

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