Weekend Reading 16.12.17
Maaaate… we’re getting a bit touchy feely in this Weekend Reading: this week, being happy and having friends. Awwwww.
Together, alone, serene
We all need alone time, but we also crave social connection. We also need to regularly connect with nature, even if we’re born and bred urbanites.
How do we fill this prescription for well-being if we’re living in cities that we have to share that city with thousands of other people?
Auckland’s Smart Cities work is finding out more about our deep human desires for connection with place – especially water, and green space – and for connection with each other – in meaningful ways. Yes, sensors and data can help with that!

Exurb by Shutterstock
Hello my friend
Who’d have thought? The physical layout of the places we live can make it easier or harder to have friends.
This fascinating piece makes us reflect on our own suburbs or neighbourhoods. How does the place you live help you, or hinder you, from having friends or mates?
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