
The following posts are filed under: Utilities & Infrastructure.

The Fast Track Aprovals Bill: Your Submission Guide

Your handy guide for a submission that supports Aotearoa’s towns and cities becoming more prosperous and sustainable, faster – without the dodgy stuff!  Submissions close 11.59pm Friday 19th! 

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Some January-February happenings

It’s always busy at this time of year but there’s an extra lot happening right now! Talk Wellington tries to keep up with this roundup, and please add things we’ve missed…

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Pukehinau-Lambton citizens: do the vote thing!

From time to time there’s a byelection and it’s easy to get distracted and not vote. In Wellington, right now, that could well mean lots of regrets. Here’s a few tips to make it easy for those with a byelection to vote in!

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Water: a chance to get our basics right! Your submission guide

The stream in your neighbourhood, the river we drink, the water at the beach – Kāpiti, Porirua, Hutt, Wairarapa, Wellington: how clean is clean enough? How dirty is too dirty? Submissions close 15th!

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Wellington’s Future Development Strategy: your submission guide (quick!)

Our region’s Future Development Strategy will say what big, important stuff goes where, setting the course for our towns and cities for decades. A Talk Wellington reader lays out why it matters, and how to submit – ASAP!

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Taxes, rates, value and land: Common Ground Aotearoa

Rates, taxes and whatnots: are there better options than New Zealand’s current system of getting money to fund public services like pipes? Post from Common Ground Aotearoa, nerdy advocates for a better way

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Rainy day watching and listening fun

Some great city-building watching and listening we’ve been enjoying…

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Public health & low carbon transport: what parties said

While the relationship between these might seem obvious to readers of Talk Wellington, public health researchers thought they’d ask political parties about this directly, and see what they said. The results are…

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Q: Is your city any good? A: Depends how green it is

“Why are you moving to That City?” “Well, a few reasons …but mostly it’s just greener than all the others we were considering”

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Let’s be less rubbish about waste – have your say pronto!

This one almost got away on us: the Wellington Regional Waste Management and Minimisation Plan needs your shove – closing Friday 5pm!

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