
The following posts are filed under: Utilities & Infrastructure.

Better train-ing for Te Upoko o te Ika? Tune in!

Wellington’s metropolitan (suburban) rail upgrade has been a long time coming, and a long time in the delivering. Tune in to a livestream Thursday 31st August to hear more.

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Three housing things

Fixing our housing crisis: it’s a hot topic and it’ll be one of our election deciders… but it’s also really easy to misunderstand. Here are three useful things about housing to add to your brain food this week

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Let’s Get Wellington Moving: please, councillors, keep your eyes on the prize

A bunch of WCC councillors are poised to throw not just the proverbial baby, but our whole reproductive system out with the bathwater. Sounds stupid? It is. Yet here we are, so please help keep their eyes on the prize by writing in TODAY!

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Development that can wash its own face

In NZ our most common urban landuse – the suburb – starts out looking financially good, then absolutely gobbles money from the city, i.e. everyone not living in the suburb. How’s that? And is there another way to do suburbs?

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What’s under our streets (and why does the digging cost so much)?

This summer there’ll be roadcones, diggers and safety fencing aplenty in all Wellington’s towns, as councils dig holes to get the water (and poo) going where they should. So, what’s down there?

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Under Construction: keeping a transitional city usable and attractive

Cities are always under construction. It’s unavoidable. But that doesn’t mean the sites have to be ugly.

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Hot reads: resource management law reform

It’s a busy time and our whiskers are twitching about lots of things we’re seeing. One of a few hot topics this week – and add any good reads in the comments!

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Who should pay for what, so we and stuff can get around?

Who pays for what is always a really vexed question. The Ministry of Transport is trying to “input crowd… output insight” right now, and you should have your 2c by 4th November!

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Integrated ticketing for public transport: eavesdropping on nerds

At long (looooooong) last, Wellington’s getting integrated electronic ticketing for our PT. And soon a nationwide system will replace it! Is it all worth it?

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Better growing, everybody! Direction-setting in a messy environment

Greater Wellington is updating its Regional Policy Statement, with some bold direction-setting. It needs and deserves a general thumbs up from us the citizenry – do it by 5pm 14th!

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