Plenty of parking, or something else? A webinar with Stuart Donovan

TUI Climate Community and Millions of Mothers proudly bring you expert transport researcher Stuart Donovan, live on Wednesday 3rd June and all about the parking.

Stuart’s a dad, who’s augmenting his masters degrees in engineering and economics studying part-time towards a PhD in Economics at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. In between times he consults internationally on spatial, transport, and urban economics; multi-modal transport planning. He’s been in the trenches of parking too: he previously advised Auckland Council and Auckland Transport on their on and off-street parking policies. Worth a follow.

Plenty of Parking, or Something Else?

For last night’s webinar Stuart was in conversation with TW editor Isabella.

We had a packed “room” of attendees, and our round of introductions revealed some people dialling in from as far away as Singapore, others from Auckland, but most in Wellington and feeling an issue close to their hearts.

After a brief and occasionally startling presentation Stuart fielded pointy questions, themed by us from the many questions coming into the chat and fired to Stu by Isabella.

Here are his slides, for your downloading pleasure. (3MB PDF)

This webinar was so successful (despite giving people about 48 hours’ notice) that we’ll do it again!

We’ll be getting Stuart back for another parking webinar in a couple of months’ time, a deeper dive on some of the issues we couldn’t cover last night. You can fill in this form to tell us what you’d like to hear Stuart talk about.

But make sure you put in a submission on Wellington’s proposed parking policy! Here’s an awesome guide. If you’re seriously time-poor, there’s a TL;DR here.

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