Leaning into the tricky stuff: architecture for youth civics and decolonisation

Young architects and urban designers can (A) slot into an established firm, enjoy a salary and consistent work, or (B) strike out on their own, using their trade to solve some of Aotearoa’s biggest challenges. The Studio Tēpu founders have taken the red pill… come hear them tonight!

It’s ambitious for any design or infrastructure firm to pledge to “support youth agency and decolonisation as Pākehā and Tauiwi in Aotearoa New Zealand” as a core part of its practice. It’d probably turn off a lot of pontetial clients, simply because it sounds like lots more work  – and cost and time.

But supporting youth agency and decolonisation through architecture is precisely what two young architects and urban designers have struck out to do.

This session, one of the NZ Institute of Architects’ excellent City Talks series, stars the Studio Tēpu founders Mitra Homolja and Ellie Tuckey. They’ll be sharing their reflections on their journey setting up the studio: a small architectural and urban design start-up which collaborates with communities, designers and government bodies to develop custom co-design processes and tools that support communities to be truly part of decision-making.

The speakers will talk through some of the challenges, lessons, highs and lows of this challenging and meaningful mahi.

At Talk Wellington we’re always excited to hear this stuff, for two reasons. When city-shaping processes involve less elite projection, and better community understanding of how our environments shape us, you get better places to live. And where there’re good participatory processes, communities get better at civic organising and making good decisions together.

Tonight’s talk will be a fascinating insight into the rising movement of switched-on designers and architects helping decolonise our urban spaces, and cultivate community connection.

Come along! No registration required

Wellington Branch City Talks: Same same, but different

TONIGHT 20th June 6:00PM – 7:00PM
City Gallery Wellington, Te Ngākau Civic Squar

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