Fast, good submission: Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development (oh yeah)
A Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development says what the government’s arms are going to do about this stuff, this term. If you feel like whacking in a submission by COP Friday 30th (!), here’s your one-step recipe!
I’ve got some time in the next 24 hours…
OK cool. Read the draft GPS-HUD, and do your submission by filling in their online survey that takes you through their four outcome areas.
“TIME”? Ha ha! I have 3 minutes tops, people.
Right. Copy and past the below into an email, tutu it as you please, and fire it to
There’s a Word doc below if you’d prefer an attachment.
Subject line: Submission on GPS-HUD, and don’t forget to add your name and contacts.
Go you good thing!

In summary, I believe the draft GPS-HUD is pretty good – I support the direction of this Statement.
It’s particularly good to see things like re-establishing housing’s primary role as a home rather than a financial asset, and a focus on wellbeing.
I wish to see greater emphasis in the following areas:
More and better comprehensive, integrated planning:
- More direct investment and requirements to do comprehensive, coordinated planning that prioritises providing affordable housing provision within compact, walkable neighbourhoods
- More enablement of comprehensive developments that achieve these outcomes
- Requiring this to be done hand in glove with infrastructure upgrades and infrastructure development
- Provision of meaningful green infrastructure (including water-sensitive infrastructure), biodiversity infrastructure, and public realm provision should result in enabling / fast tracking
Boost provision of a greater range and quality of medium density housing options.
- NZ is missing too many medium density housing options.
- The development of these should be supported and enabled as a matter of urgency, including enabling of comprehensive developments, to deliver density done well: supporting aging in place, supporting social cohesion, and supporting local spending.
- Priority should be for medium density intensification in the walkable catchments to amenities and public transport nodes.
Faster better retrofittting of housing stock:
- More investment and requirement into retrofitting existing housing stock
- Start with the worst but make sure we lift the floor, achieving respectable levels of energy efficiency and reducing inequities in health and household expenses
More use of collaborative, participatory design processes
- More direct support for resilient, sustainable, inclusive and prosperous communities through collaboratively designed housing and urban development solutions – such as cohousing, and papakāinga
- This support – e.g. funding facilitators and providing architecture expertise – should be provided at pace, so communities can get on with it
More investment and enablement of Māori-driven housing and urban solutions
- Enable, but also resource iwi and Māori self-determination manifested through better housing and urban development solutions
- This should include papakāinga and socially-based tenure options, from small to large scale
More support for town centre diversification and revitalisation
- Enable community owned businesses and cooperatives to invest in town centres, such as the “right to buy” neglected properties (and associated support)
- Enable easier diversification of landuse, to enable clusters of people-focussed amenities and service functions in currently homogeneous residential-only areas
Diversify tenure options beyond outright ownership
- Things like shared ownership, socially-based tenure, rent to buy, cohousing, leasehold arrangements, community tenure
Mature the rental system
- Essentially: do the actions in Shamubeel and Selena Eaqubs’ Generation Rent
Institute a capital gains tax.
- This is a recommendation consistently made by the OECD, our own Tax Working Group, and all other peer nations. it’s a vital part of the puzzle.
The above as a Word doc if you prefer.
HOORAY! You’ve done enough for a Mallowpuff
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