The following posts are filed under: Mass Transit.
Great regular reads: transport
What’s neat to read? A few go-to sources for great thinking about urban transport stuff (and to direct your civic action). A sister post to: landuse, infrastructure, housing, other neat things
Read MorePublic health & low carbon transport: what parties said
While the relationship between these might seem obvious to readers of Talk Wellington, public health researchers thought they’d ask political parties about this directly, and see what they said. The results are…
Read MoreLet’s Get Wellington Moving: please, councillors, keep your eyes on the prize
A bunch of WCC councillors are poised to throw not just the proverbial baby, but our whole reproductive system out with the bathwater. Sounds stupid? It is. Yet here we are, so please help keep their eyes on the prize by writing in TODAY!
Read MoreCautionary tales out of Auckland light rail: a good thing, being done badly
Make no mistake, Wellington city needs mass transit. And we’re watching with alarm how Auckland, in trying to get a vital component of its own mass transit system (that their fast-growing city needs ever more desperately), is kicking itself in the leg
Read MoreBuckets of money vs real world change: transport edition
Money and effort goes in, lots of good sounding words are crafted, then… some strange stuff happens on the ground. What’s going on? GreaterAuckland’s Heidi O’Callaghan takes a look into the machinery
Read MoreGovt & NZ: “reduce emissions”. Also govt: “yeah but BUILDING THINGS, and VOTES”
Some influential voices are pointing out the climate weaknesses of Let’s Get Wellington Moving big-ticket programme. Will anyone listen?
Read MoreLight rail in Auckland: should Wellington be afraid?
We’re barely back at the desk and already the blockbuster announcement of the year: finally, grownup-city mass transit for our largest metropolitan centre! But a lot of smart people have made a lot of weird decisions in there… could Wellington experience similar weird?
Read MoreLet’s Get Wellington Moving Mass Transit: your submission guide!
It’s a crucial turning point in Wellington’s future, and you need to have a say – by 5pm Friday 10th. We’ve got you covered – with a handy submission guide for giving the city a shove in the right direction!
Read MoreClimate Change Commission Draft Budget Submission Guide (Done in 3 mins!) Due 28th
It’s time again to speak up: tell the leaders to do right by our future – cos if we don’t, they won’t.
Read MoreMoney to build stuff: new infrastructure funding approach
“Don’t tell me what you value; show me your budget and I’ll tell you what you value”. Are we now starting to value rail?
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