
The following posts are filed under: Streets & Roads.

Got a bad street? Good news: it’s now easier to reshape it!

As of today it’s finally way easier to try out retrofits to our bad streets – you know, the ones that make it generally yuk to do anything except be in a car. Get onto your local council – they’ve now got all the tools!

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Let’s Get Wellington Moving: please, councillors, keep your eyes on the prize

A bunch of WCC councillors are poised to throw not just the proverbial baby, but our whole reproductive system out with the bathwater. Sounds stupid? It is. Yet here we are, so please help keep their eyes on the prize by writing in TODAY!

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Parking and Profit: sensible swaps for smart cities

We’ve all heard about the pandemic hurting hospitality businesses, especially those in city centres. Those temporary street parking for dining space swaps – parklets – have thown up some surprises

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Sensible speeds by schools & centres: for once, it’s simple

This is a SPECIAL REISSUE of this piece to reflect the recent raruraru around numbers for Wellington City speeds. Spoiler: it’s the same rationales. It’s the same result.

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Your handy submission guide: LGWM City Streets proposals

LGWM has 4 surveys open for feedback on city streets changes they’ll make soon! This is good stuff that should’ve been done years ago, so take a couple of mins to whack in your feedback by midnight TUESDAY 23!

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On the lack of importance of footway clutter

Ever notice how cluttered footpaths can be? This can cause serious issues but a lot of this clutter is necessary. Guest writer Craig Stansfield asks what if the solution is rethinking how our roads are laid out in the first place.

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Say Yes to sensible street changes (Kate Sheppard would approve)

There’s humble and sensible proposals to make Thorndon and Kilbirnie a little bit friendlier for people, rather than just cars. The suffragettes didn’t do all that hard work for nothing, so as sensible citizens who now have a voice, put in your 2c by 5pm Monday 27th March!

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A picture of how it feels

Here’s a little homage to a classic image that blew our minds when we saw it, and now we see things differently everywhere we go

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Play in your city! (And dance, and …)

Where do we play in our urban areas? Where would it be good to play more? Good weather is a good time to think about this – and exercise the power of play for people.

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What’s under our streets (and why does the digging cost so much)?

This summer there’ll be roadcones, diggers and safety fencing aplenty in all Wellington’s towns, as councils dig holes to get the water (and poo) going where they should. So, what’s down there?

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