Search Results

134 results found for "parking".

Who should pay for what, so we and stuff can get around?

Who pays for what is always a really vexed question. The Ministry of Transport is trying to “input crowd… output insight” right now, and you should have your 2c by 4th November!

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Integrated ticketing for public transport: eavesdropping on nerds

At long (looooooong) last, Wellington’s getting integrated electronic ticketing for our PT. And soon a nationwide system will replace it! Is it all worth it?

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District Plans: your submission guide!

District Plans are really important and pretty dense… wherever you live in Te Upoko o te Ika, Talk Wellington and friends have done the hard yards so you don’t have to – as little as 5 minutes to whack in a good submission!

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Distribution hubs & cargo bikes: reimagining Wellington’s logistics

Looking internationally it’s clear Wellington’s delivery logistics could be improved. A lot of it comes down to that “last mile.” Improving this starts with freight distribution hubs.

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Golden Mile feedback window closing soon! Your guide for feedback…

The plans for Golden Mile are coming into focus! There’s still time to provide your ideas and feedback on their details. Hop on LGWM’s interactive map or flick them an email by August 14th to have your say!

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Submission guide: better biking and breezier bussing between Botanics and the big blue briney

Safe cycling and scooting, and better bussing between the Botanic Gardens and the harbour needs needs your support to become real

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What happens when a city bans cars?

There’s lots of panicky talk in the NZ media about “banning driving” and being “anti-car.” But US streets like San Francisco’s Market Street and New York’s 14th Street have already “banned” private vehicles. So what happened next?

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“See you in court!”: Cobham Drive, community groups, and judicial review

Posturing aside, what does it really mean for someone to legally challenge a roading authority’s decision – be it a cycleway, a road expansion, or a pedestrian crossing on Cobham Drive?

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Wellington, it’s time to shift the power of cars in our streets.

Wellington, and New Zealand in general, has a chronic car problem. And as we’ve seen recently, an extreme minority can also weaponise cars against the public. What can we do to open up our streets, make cars our guests, and stop weaponising from happening again?

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Wellington District Plan: submission guide!

We need more homes, good ones, close to where we want to be, and quickly please. The District Plan is not a silver bullet but it’s a big limiter! Let’s get it rightererer

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