A bikeable Wellington: finally the wheels are turning, give it a shove
After becoming a byword for cycleway SNAFUs, Wellington’s been quietly getting its act together. Now a big step forward: a network, guiding principles and clarity about who it’s for. Submit to help get the wheels turning – by 14th Dec!
Read MoreWellington District Plan: submission guide!
We need more homes, good ones, close to where we want to be, and quickly please. The District Plan is not a silver bullet but it’s a big limiter! Let’s get it rightererer
Read MoreThe anti-intensification media blitz
Do you want to see more people in good homes, but are starting to have real doubts about the merits of the Medium Density housing bill? You may be experiencing the blitz effect
Read MoreLet’s Get Wellington Moving Mass Transit: your submission guide!
It’s a crucial turning point in Wellington’s future, and you need to have a say – by 5pm Friday 10th. We’ve got you covered – with a handy submission guide for giving the city a shove in the right direction!
Read MorePlay streets are a gateway drug to better streets for all – and it’s now easier to play!
Did you know there’s a human right for kids to play? From today, it’s finally going to get easier for anyone to get a Play Street happening in your neighbourhood. Hooray!
Read MoreMore GOOD homes please: submission guide! 36 hours GO!
Big picture: more homes near stuff = good. But it’s still worth submitting cos the devil’s in the detail. Hot tips for a quick submission, >5min before Tuesday 11.59pm!
Read MoreDemocracy “after” COVID: who’s deciding stuff?
For better or worse, we decide a LOT of things “democratically” in Aotearoa – from sewage pipe spending to health boards. Why do we have our democratic setup for deciding things? What’s the future ‘after’ COVID? Tune in TOMORROW!
Read MoreSafer cycling: say Yes And to the missing link
Gorgeous Tahitai, the safe biking / scooting path from the city centre to eastern suburbs, has just one bit left! But it needs your support
Read MorePedal to the metal folks: climate won’t wait for COVID
The government is rushing through a COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill which includes backsliding on the Zero Carbon Act. Whack in a submission TODAY TUESDAY! It’s easy as
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