
The following posts are filed under: events.

MOVIES: dive into cool places

two/fiftyseven welcomes you to a free film series on the places we live, our relationship to them, and how we make them our own

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Leaning into the tricky stuff: architecture for youth civics and decolonisation

Young architects and urban designers can (A) slot into an established firm, enjoy a salary and consistent work, or (B) strike out on their own, using their trade to solve some of Aotearoa’s biggest challenges. The Studio Tēpu founders have taken the red pill… come hear them tonight!

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Get walking! NZ Walking Summit

The NZ Walking Summit is a curious thing. Everyone walks or wheels, so why is it even necessary? You will be 0% surprised to learn that walking is treated like some kind of “niche” or “fringe” activity, so advocacy and conferences are vital. Get your shoes on and head along!

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Come together

Waitangi Day! There’s a day off work but much more importantly, there are also lots of opportunities for our communities to hang out together.

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