
The following posts are filed under: kapiti.

Let’s Get Wellington Moving 2: Voices from the Lands Out of Scope

Talk Wellington looks at how Let’s Get Wellington Moving deals with 82,000 of the people in the CBD every day. Spoiler alert:  they come from north of Ngauranga…. so sorry folks, you’re out of scope.  

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Ocean vs locals (vs localism?)

Councils and ratepayers are grappling with coastal erosion. Coastal processes are complex, earthquakes add extra urgency, the stakes are high. TalkWellington wonder: are we expecting too much from local communities and local government? Looking out of the train along the Paekakariki Escarpment, Wellington’s tectonic and coastal origins hit you in the eye.  The Pukerua Fault…

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Pronouncing History: place names in Kāpiti

Being at home in a landscape includes seeing the full story of its history reflected, not just one side. Scoop Wellington’s Lindsay Shelton reckons Kāpiti has taken an important, symbolic step.  This article is cross-posted with permission from Scoop Wellington A working party of iwi representatives and a local historian have come up with a…

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Waterproofing Wellington

You’d be forgiven for thinking Wellingtonians are determined to spend more time knee-deep in water.  Talk Wellington looks at why our places are likely to flood more, and ways we can stop it. It rains quite a lot in Wellington, and floods quite a lot. And it’s very likely to rain harder in the near…

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