The following posts are filed under: Development.
Wellington District Plan: submission guide!
We need more homes, good ones, close to where we want to be, and quickly please. The District Plan is not a silver bullet but it’s a big limiter! Let’s get it rightererer
Read MoreBeware the insidious cul-de-sac
They’re sold as the epitome of the quiet, friendly street – but cul-de-sacs can be toxic for your suburb unless they’re buffered with some antidote.
Read MoreBetter places to live
What if there was a place to live where we could have really nice things, and have a good community around (but not too much inyaface)?
Read MoreFix the housing crisis: take the power local and let’s get dense!
Porirua’s Growth Strategy is out for public feedback. Guest poster Tam Holsen finds it detail-rich on greenfield housing development but undercooked on densification or intensification, and wonders if her city is missing a trick
Read MoreFound in the mists of time: your latest “Whatever happened with…”
Our attention span is notoriously toddlerish, thanks in part to the hysteria-inducing qualities of social media plus “trending = news” from traditional media. Talk Wellington is happy to bring you the latest edition of Whatever happened with… updates on things we cared about once but actually still do!
Read MoreCohousing: Part 3
In her final piece of the series, guest poster Biddy Livesey – housing policy analyst, researcher, and future resident of Cohaus – considers how cohousing is supported, and the specific planning challenge for an innovative collective housing development. This article was originally published on Greater Auckland, and is reproduced with permission.
Read MoreMoving on medium-density: Special Housing Areas, social housing, and Te Aro
Our friends over at Eye of the Fish keep their insightful architectural eye on Wellington’s urban form: what’s going up, coming down, changing… here the Fish focuses on Arlington Flats and the now-dead Special Housing Areas
Read MoreFriends of the landlords – Wellington Councillors against affordable housing
Guest poster Frank McRae on Wellington city councillors’ recent decision to can the Special Housing Areas, which had been talked up as part of the solution to our housing crisis (and talked down as undemocratic).
Read MoreCohousing: Part 2
Biddy Livesey – housing policy analyst, researcher, and future resident of Cohaus – leads us on an exciting journey: what Cohaus will look like…
Read MoreWet Wet Wetlington
Wellington winter means lots of water. Falling from the sky, and then being all around us… and being all up in our face where we don’t want it. What can we do?
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