The following posts are filed under: behaviour change.
Natural experiments, and traffic
You’d think that restricting road space for general traffic will automatically make streets more congested. But does it? Natural experiments are worth a look…
Read More“Climate change is real. Your carbon footprint is a scam.”
Climate change’s key battleground isn’t in engineering or technical fields, it’s hearts and minds. And one of the most famous “tools” we’ve been given may be helping to delay good change
Read MoreSchool gate parking wars! Do we actually enjoy it?
Guest poster Ben T writes: we love our kids, so we… behave at our worst, and endanger them where they congregate every day – often spoiling rare time together. How will school communities react, as Wellington City heads towards asking “how should we do parking?”
Read MoreWhat would a free market for parking look like?
As Wellington quietly gears up to grasp the nettle of urban carparking management, City Beautiful’s Stephen Davis has insights from a place taking a much less regulated approach
Read MoreRemove the FBT from public transport
Greater Auckland’s Matt Lowrie finds an overlooked gold nugget in the Tax Working Group’s recommendations. It’s small but an important signal… This post was originally published on Greater Auckland and is reproduced with thanks Yesterday the government’s Tax Working Group released their final report of recommendations for changing our tax system. While the media have fixated on the prospect of Capital Gains Tax,…
Read MoreTax(n)ation – will fuel taxes make a (good) difference?
Tax: the other exciting three-letter word ending with ‘x’.
Read MoreFuel Prices talk of the town
Ahhh, fuel prices. Always good for a conversation (or an argument). Fuel prices include taxes, plus lots of other things, and there’s some weird reporting this month that gets some basics wrong. Greater Auckland’s Matt Lowrie busts some myths.
Read MoreLet’s Get Wellington Moving 2: Voices from the Lands Out of Scope
Talk Wellington looks at how Let’s Get Wellington Moving deals with 82,000 of the people in the CBD every day. Spoiler alert: they come from north of Ngauranga…. so sorry folks, you’re out of scope.
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