The following posts are filed under: local government.
The RLTP’s Top 30 transport projects – more detail than you may need
This is the companion post to the main RLTP submission guide post. Here you can swim around in the detail – without going way deep – because we’ve packaged up several documents’ and tables’ material for your convenience. You can also view all of the 30 proposed projects on an interactive map handily prepared by the…
Read MoreDo we need to think differently about transport funding?
As new research finds “failure to deliver” from one of Wellington’s most costly recent transport investments, Greater Auckland’s Matt Lowrie asks and answers…
Read MoreEveryone’s job and no-one’s: regional planning in Wellington
Derek’s guest post has some pretty interesting ideas about moving stuff around in our region so things work better. It made us think: who’s actually in charge of figuring that out what goes where? There’s no Boss Baby but surely someone’s owning it…? Spoiler: nope.
Read MoreTalking transport in Te Upoko o te Ika: Monday 16 July
After a relatively ‘slow news week’ last week, it’s a safe bet there could be some fireworks this week if the new bus routes cause any major disruptions. Watch those routes! Here’s some transport talk in Te Upoko o te Ika that caught the roving eyes of the crew at Talk Wellington since last Monday…
Read MoreWeekend reading 17.2.18
In this weekend’s food for thought: optimism, excitement and innovation in Christchurch – scrapped, top to bottom. Was a key regeneration project doomed, did someone kill it, or did we starve it?
Read MoreWeekend reading 27.1.18
Welcome back to weekend reading! Today’s food for thought: as Waitangi Day approaches, what it means to be there. And as we enjoy the beach and envy coastal homeowners, a worrying discovery about how ministers have been dealing with sea level rise…
Read MoreLet’s Get Wellington… baby-stepping, maybe sideways
Talk Wellington was at the much-anticipated event of the week: the launch of the four “scenarios” that Let’s Get Wellington Moving has been preparing to sort out transport in the CBD. Ahhh Wellington… our capital city. Your natural advantages have been compromised by some short-sighted infrastructure decisions back in the day (airport & hospital locations,…
Read MoreOcean vs locals (vs localism?)
Councils and ratepayers are grappling with coastal erosion. Coastal processes are complex, earthquakes add extra urgency, the stakes are high. TalkWellington wonder: are we expecting too much from local communities and local government? Looking out of the train along the Paekakariki Escarpment, Wellington’s tectonic and coastal origins hit you in the eye. The Pukerua Fault…
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